Pineapples and Acai Bowls

8:04:00 AM Hailey Farr 0 Comments

The Dole Plantation is a must see in Honolulu! 
Not only does is house every possible pineapple product ever created, but it is home to our favorite Dole-Whip, yum! You can purchase it in a cup or in this souvenir pineapple as a float or just soft serve. The Plantation also has the world's largest maze and a Pineapple Express that takes you around the estate. 

For our favorite Acai bowl of all time, that goes to Banan! It is absolutely incredible and is served out of a papaya. There is a food truck  that travels around but be on the lookout for their permanent location opening fall of 2016 near the University of Hawaii campus.

My favorite seat outside of Banan

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